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Elisabeth Tafelmeyer, Personal- & Changemanagement, authentische Change Kommunikation, Beratung für Führungskräfte, Führungsbeziehung & Selbstwirksamkeit

Leading emotions –scaling structures –living diversity

We guide people through change with language, images, reliable communication and the right tone. But for sustainable change – more is needed. Teams can only celebrate success if everyone focuses on customer benefits, experiences fair systems, learns throughout their lives, finds clarity in corporate structures and work processes are composed around value streams. This is the only way to create real commitment. This is the only way to create a culture of appreciation, of “arguing” about the best solution, of “we” instead of many isolated perspectives through the lens of ego. Good business results when organizations continually think about the best structures and the emotional impact of and on leadership.



It is an honor tobe with you here. My name is Elisabeth Tafelmeyer. My heart belongs toCSR, Human Resource Stratregy, business ethics and coaching.Corporate SocialResponsibility is by my side since I started my bachelor’s degree in 2007 in Philosopy & Economics.

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The spark never left me. At the same, leadership in Human Resource Management taught me how many things have to go right to unleash the true human potential within companies. Little decisions add up, small changes make a big difference.

In difficult phases every single word and gesture of a leader matters to people.

Leadership is an ecosystem (Otto Scharmer) and the more conflicts among leaders I have seen the more I started to understand that relationship dynamics and trauma eat strategy for breakfast. I am here to help businesses to become better leadership ecosystem. I am here to be the change I want to see in the business world. The solution is always there. We are here to unravel the layers and set the frames, where processes support people in their very uniquetalents and gifts. I respect the biography of everyone I work with in a nonjudgmental way and at the same offer honesty and clarity to the businesses and leaders I work with.



Years Experience


Leadership Hiring 




Strategy Work


Strategic Integrity

Thinking through, do the strategy job and track the resultscan be challenging. But it isnecessary when decisions affect a whole system. It bothers me when this exercise is sacrificed. This is a true leader’s job. Happy to sit and think with you!

Empathy and Clarity

Offering honesty in an empathic and clear way is something we can train as leaders.Enhancing a feedback culture and speaking the truth is a non-violent and respectful way,expressing emotions and boundaries is human development at it’s core.

Results and Interventions

Plan ahead, listen, readjust, intervene. Organizations are a living system and nobody has the full answer. The only way is to walk in baby steps and adapt quickly. Organizational development is like a never-ending acupuncture treatment. You have to be patient space and prospective to work with the full impact .

Relationship Improvement

We touch each other the deepest where we have ourscarce. But very often, we are not aware of why a specific behavior bothers us, why we freak out or we have learned to suppress emotions.Wherever we avoid the real talk, we avoid the real solution, healing and personal growth.

Elisabeth Tafelmeyer, authentische Change Kommunikation, reflektierte Führung, agile Vorgehensweise, Unternehmensentwicklung

Elisabeth Tafelmeyer


Prospective,sensing organizational dynamics, intuitive, strategic. This is how peopledescribe me.


Born in a tiny village in Bavaria, raised in nature on a small farm in amultigenerational household,it is important to me to work cross-generational and raise organizational and leadership maturity. Maturity doesn’t come by age alone. We grow with true encounters and with searching in ourselves for answers.The will to see through my heart and resonate is leading me. Across philosophy, intercultural concepts, psychological perspectives and anthropology. There is so much wisdom in this world when we dare to open our eyes and listen to our hearts. We all come with nothing. We leave with nothing.Having worked with people from all over the world, I became very humble in regards of that many perspectives are true and valid at the same time. Life and Death are both teachers.And we can all become teachers in each other’s life if we dare to.

Unternehmensberaterin, reflektierte Führung, Personal- & Changemanagement, Unternehmensberatung, Organizational Psychology


Elisabeth has been our team’s coach during 2022 and 2023, focusing on strategic leadership.

Elisabeth has a deep knowledge and a profound passion for her field of work and for people, which make her a brilliant trainer and agile coach.

She brought to every session enthusiastic energy and an open ear for questions and comments that anchored every new topic into our day to day activities and making each session unique and extremely valuable.

This time with Elisabeth has been transformative and she has been instrumental to my growth as a person and as a leader. For all these reasons, I warmly recommend Elisabeth to anyone willing to grow both personally and professionally.

Quentin Turf

Head of Product 2023


Danke für die Nachricht!

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