The living company: practical acceptance of responsibility, trusting leadership relationships and strengthening self-efficacy
My mission
A shortage of skilled workers, knowledge of the influence of the quality of relationships on our lives and the orientation towards the UN's Sustainable Development Goals demanded by the public require an active examination of the effects of our behavior. It is not uncommon for us to experience phenomena in organizations that are perceived as contradictory. My organization gives donations to the press, but my salary isn't enough to survive? HR marketing says “join our great team”, but I can observe bullying among colleagues? Corporate social responsibility must be experienced within the company if we want to stimulate real employee loyalty and employee engagement. My goal as an organizational consultant is to bring liveliness back into companies through trusting, constructive and professional relationships and to build modern structures in the structure and process organization that actively support the strategy. Living responsibility – as a person, as a team, as a society, which constructively leads back into the dialogue. According to studies, 70% of change initiatives fail. For very different reasons. Sometimes there is a lack of a clear change architecture, sometimes there is a lack of clear leadership, sometimes there is a lack of team dynamics or histories, which a change manager usually only becomes aware of on the way. Dysfunctional patterns and corporate structures require rethinking and consistent action. But also a change of perspective, because “those up there and those down there” discussions will always harm companies and people. At a standstill or in emotionally destructive fights.